Sunday, August 26, 2012

"Rising Up" to the challenge of Minute to Win It!

Our class got to experience our first of many celebrations with "Minute to Win It."  The class earned clues leading us up to our special celebration on Friday which turned out to be "Candy Elevator."  Students had 60 seconds to get three M&Ms balanced on two pencils tied together from the floor to their mouth with strings acting as an elevator around their ears.  TOUGH TO DO, but it was fun trying!  Now, students will be aiming for more Minute to Win It fun by earning compliment clips.  As we reach a designated point, we will have a quick celebration with a new and interesting challenge.  

Mrs. Bransford and I also got some great news:  We both received a "Reflex Grant" earning our fifth graders the right to a pretty nifty and usually expensive program for the whole year!  We have begun exploring Reflex in class and passwords have been sent home. Reflex math reinforces fluency in multiplication and division facts- this is the key to our students being able to move forward in math and apply their thinking to more advanced content.  We encourage you to have your child use this program on a nightly basis and have even replaced our initial multiplication homework with Reflex practice for those who have internet access at home.  We also have a rotating schedule for students at lunch time and before school.  Our only rule is that no one else can use their account since the data needs to reflect the individual in the class.  Any questions?   Just email one of us or give us a call!

I also wanted to congratulate the 2012-13 fifth graders on what was an ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC first week!  I am so looking forward to this year with you guys and know you've got a ton to show me.  Be prepared, be safe, respect one another, and follow directions...we can do anything with all of our wheels rolling safely along! Let's have another great week.  :0)  Mrs. Earley
Cody, Alex, and Ah working together!
Darius- slow and steady!

Caylin giving some wise advice to Caylin!
Destiny's holding her breath for Chaslynn!

Aa'deja's got a system!
Personji's got the hang of it!

Shakenya's trying to shave a few inches off the climb!